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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

CFP: the Global Media Journal -- Canadian Edition that will focus on journalism trends and new media in the 21st century

Call for Papers for the Special issue of the Global Media Journal -- Canadian Edition
2013: Volume 6, Issue 1 -- Journalism and New Media

Papers are invited for a special issue of the Global Media Journal -- Canadian Edition that will focus on journalism trends and new media in the 21st century. Please go to the following link for the full description: http://www.gmj.uottawa.ca/gmj--ce_cfp_v6_i1_13.pdf Deadline for submissions is: March 15th, 2013.


Research on the Internet has garnered more attention than any other technology in our history. Researchers have examined cyberspace from different angles; including, the technology itself, its creators, its users, its content, and its socioeconomic outputs. Journalism scholars have examined issues of convergence, production, alternative forms of journalism, content and the evolution of business models, only to name a few. However, research in this area is still evolving as social applications of new media are growing. Social networking sites are now an integral part of modern life. As far as journalism is concerned, the uses of these tools and user-generated content are still being explored.

The socio-economic constraints on this profession force managers and owners to make difficult decisions involving journalists’ workloads, work environments, and required skills which often include the ability to produce content for many platforms and sometimes in multiple languages. These challenges certainly affect content, production, and consumption.

Papers are invited for this issue of the Global Media Journal -- Canadian Edition that will focus on journalism trends and new media in the 21st century. The guest editor welcomes theoretical, analytic, critical, empirical, or comparative submissions that discuss the most recent debates and discourses about, but not limited to, the following topics:
-journalism history
-new media evolution
-journalism ethics
-responsibility and accountability
-freedom of expression and new media journalism
-relationships between journalists, their organizations, and their audiences
-implications of new technology and social media for journalism
-citizen and user-generated content and journalism challenges
-economic, political, and social situations impacting new media journalism
-digital policy and journalism industry
-progress of new media journalism
-journalistic innovations
-journalism production
-events shaping new media journalism

The Global Media Journal -- Canadian Edition (http://www.gmj.uottawa.ca/) welcomes high-quality, original submissions on related topics to the above theme. Submissions are expected to develop communication and media theories, report empirical and analytical research, present critical discourses, apply theories to case studies, and set out innovative research methodologies. The Journal is bilingual (English and French) open-access online academic refereed publication that aims to advance research and understanding of communication and media in Canada and around the globe.

Deadline: March 15th, 2013

Submissions: Papers (5,000 to 7,500 words), review articles of more than one book (2,500 to 3,000 words), and book reviews (1,000 to 1,200 words).
Method: All manuscripts must be submitted electronically as Word Document attachments, directly to Dr. Geneviève A. Bonin (gbonin@uottawa.ca).
Guidelines: Available at: http://www.gmj.uottawa.ca/for-authors_e.html
Decision: April 30th, 2013
Publication: June 15th, 2013

CFP: Papers for Technology for Education and Learning

------- General Call for Papers for Technology for Education and Learning -----------
The electronic version of this cfp can be seen at

Technology for Education and Learning

Continued technological innovation is transforming traditional approaches
to education and learning. Students, teachers, and administrators, as well as
researchers and policy-makers, all have a stake in how best to approach
the integration of technology into the educational process. Technology for
Education and Learning is an interdisciplinary journal which explores
all aspects of this integration.

Editor in Chief:
Dr. Maiga Chang (maiga.chang@gmail.com)

Associate Editors (in alphabet order):
Dr. Rita Kuo, USA
Dr. Eric Zhi-Feng Liu, Taiwan
Dr. Wolfgang Mueller, Germany

Suggested topics:
We cordially invite authors to submit high quality manuscripts for any
application domain as long as the core of the manuscript belongs one or
more of the following and has technological focus and innovative technology for
education and learning:

- Affective computing, Emotional intelligence, and Sentiment analysis
- Artificial intelligence (AI) and computational intelligence (CI)
- Assessment, misconception diagnosis, and evaluation
- Cognitive modelling
- Collaborative learning, Competitive learning, and CSCL
- Distributed and multi-agent systems
- Game-based learning, teaching, and assessment
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Innovative learning and teaching practices
- Intelligent agents and multi-agent systems
- Learning styles, learning theory, and learning technology
- Mobile technology or ubiquitous computing for learning
- Natural language processing, Text Mining, and Data Mining
- Online community
- Online learning
- Personality analysis, recognition, and extraction
- Simulations and gaming
- Social network analysis
- Special education
- Virtual reality, Virtual world, and Augmented reality
- Web 2.0, 3.0, x.0

Manuscript guidelines:
All submissions have to follow Technology for Education and Learning
submission guidelines (http://www.actapress.com/submissioninfo.aspx).
The document template can be found at http://www.actapress.com/PDFs/template.doc.
You need to sign in the system http://www.actapress.com/review/UI/logon.aspx
(or through http://actapress.com/Content_of_Journal.aspx?JournalID=166#task-4)
to submit your manuscript.

Special Issue proposals:
We also encourage potential research in any fields related to the journal
to form a high quality guest editorial team to submit special issue proposal
to Editor in Chief by email, for any emerging, important, and hot topics.
The special issue proposal sample can be downloaded at

Reviewer Invitation:
Being a reviewer of Journal of Technology for Education and Learning, you would be
asked for reviewing manuscripts at least twice a year (maximum four times a year)
and the review should be done in 21 days. If you are willing to be a reviewer of
the journal, please email me (maiga.chang@gmail.com) the following information:
1. Name
2. Affilation
3. Country
4. Contact email
5. Short Bio
6. Publication list or url
7. Research interests (please pick up from the suggested topics listed in the call for papers,
    please choose as many as as possible, so we can assign manuscripts that you really
    want for you)

Publish as "standard" or "open-access":
TEL is a so-called hybrid journal (http://www.actapress.com/hybrid.aspx)
where the author has the option to publish as "standard" or "open-access."
Authors do NOT have to pay the open-access fee $450 if they chose
to publish in the standard journal.
Note: Both options are subjected to the 8-page limit, i.e., if a paper exceeds
8 printed pages, there will be a US $100 per page fee

For queries, please contact Dr. Maiga Chang (maiga.chang@gmail.com)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

CFP: A symposium on tablet computer use

The Tablet Symposium: Examining New Media Objects
University of Sussex, 10th April 2013

Calling for papers, presentations and discussions of tablets, ipads, kindles, e-readers and other new media artifacts.

We invite contributions to a one-day symposium at the University of Sussex, hosted by the Centre for Material Digital Culture. The aim of the symposium is twofold. On the one hand it aims to examine questions about the take up of tablets, readers and ipads across many walks of life including academic, artistic, pedagogical, medical, corporate, activist and everyday contexts. On the other hand it aims to create a space of dialogue, discussion and research community across this area.

We welcome empirical, theoretical, critical and creative responses to tablets, e-readers and other artifacts.

Please send abstracts by 15 January 2013 to:

Further queries to the conference team are very welcome:
Ryan Burns, Russell Pearce, Kate O?Riordan

Centre for Material Digital Culture:

Thursday, December 13, 2012

CFP: IUI?13 Interdisciplinary Workshop on Location Awareness for Mixed and Dual Reality

IUI?13 Interdisciplinary Workshop on Location Awareness for Mixed and Dual Reality (LAMDa)http://www.dfki.de/LAMDa/
In conjunction with IUI 2013, Santa Monica, CA (http://iuiconf.org)

Santa Monica, CA, USA, March 19th, 2013

Ambient Assisted Living
Cyber Physical Systems
Indoor Positioning
PolySocial Reality
Simulation in Dual Reality
Social Signal Processing

A short abstract until  January 9, 2013
Full paper until                January 21, 2013

The LAMDa workshop aims at discussing the impact of Dual Reality (DR) and Mixed Reality (MR) on Location Awareness and other applications in Smart Environments as well as their impact on human sociability in general. This impact is especially interesting in the field of Ambient Assisted Living and the upcoming field of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS).

Virtual environments - which are an essential part of Dual and Mixed Realities - can be used to create new applications and to enhance already existing applications in the real world.
Besides that, existing sensors in the real world can be used to enhance the virtual world as well.

Even well known techniques, like the Kalman-filter, can be seen as an example for this type of application: Sensor measurements in grounded reality (the real world) are brought into virtual environments in form of models that describe the error distribution of the sensors. The virtual environments can then be used to make a prediction for the next measurement in grounded reality.  Both results - the prediction and the measurement - are used to refine the virtual world and to bring more accurate sensor measurements into the real world.

On a more philosophical level, it can be argued that all Mixed/Blended/Dual/Grounded and Virtual realities exist within one reality. PolySocial Reality (PoSR) is a theoretical perspective that subsumes other 'reality' paradigm models while providing a framework to express their behaviors. PoSR is the aggregate of all the experienced 'locations' and 'communications' of all individual people in multiple networks at the same or different times. PoSR describes the network transaction space that people traverse with others to maintain social relationships via various apps, mobile services, sensors, platforms, technologies and conversation spaces. At its most positive, PoSR extends our capacity for social relations, at its worst, it fragments and isolates people from each other.  The underpinnings of PoSR were developed for LAMDa?11, and papers describing it in detail can be found here:

IUI2011, LAMDa?11: http://www.dfki.de/LAMDa/accepted/ACulturalPerspective.pdf

Suitable topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:
- Mixed Reality (MR) and Dual Reality (DR)
- Utilization of MR/DR in Location Based Services
            - Combination of real world and virtual data
- Integrating multiple identities (identity in DR)
- Social interaction in DR
- Techniques for model creation
- Integration of simulators and additional services in DR
- Visualization Techniques for Data Flow and Crude Product Positioning
- Positioning and Location Based Services
- Indoor/Outdoor Positioning Technologies
- Always Best Positioned Systems (Sensor Fusion)
- Privacy Issues in Positioning Technologies
- Location Based Social Signal Processing in MR/DR
- Group members location (mix of real world and virtual world group members)
- Detecting other group members and their behavior
- Sensing, processing, representation and visualization of the social context
- PolySocial Reality
- Applications that utilize sensing, representation and processing to increase sociability between human beings in groups--outside of their machines.
- Applications that take advantage of ?secondary attention? and merge existing application knowledge between apps and the environment.
- Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)
- Enhancement of CPS using MR/DR
- Possible impact of CPS on sociability
- The role of positioning in CPS (person and object tracking)
- Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)
- Enhancing AAL applications with MR/DR
- The effects of PoSR on AAL
- Privacy aspects in AAL

For further information, please have a look at http://www.dfki.de/LAMDa/topics.html.

We ask for position papers (up to 4 pages) that address one or more of the research questions mentioned above, or that describe findings and ideas that relate to these research questions.

All submissions should be prepared according to the standard HCI Archive Format:

We ask participants to submit a short abstract (up to one page) till January 9th. The full paper can be submitted until January 21st.

Please send your submissions (PDF) to LAMDa@dfki.de

For more details, please have a look at: http://www.dfki.de/LAMDa/cfp.html

Submission of Abstract:         January   09, 2013
Submission of Paper:            January   21, 2013
Author Notification:                    February 11, 2013
Camera-Ready versions:  February 18, 2013
Workshop Date:                  March      19, 2013

Our goal is to advance the research of DR/MR/PoSR and location awareness by sparking lively discussions between researchers from several disciplines. Each session will begin with brief oral presentations of the contributions, after which we will focus on interactive discussions, which will lead to new insights and ideas.

Notes of the discussions will be kept, reviewed at the end of the workshop, and published on the workshop web page.


- Sally Applin, University of Kent Canterbury (sally@sally.com)
- Eyal Dim, University of Haifa - Israel (dimeyal@bezequint.net)
- Gerrit Kahl, DFKI - Germany (gerrit.kahl@dfki.de)
- Tim Schwartz, DFKI - Germany (schwartz@cs.uni-saarland.de)

Contact: lamda@dfki.de

Monday, December 10, 2012

Added journal: Convergence

Convergence: The International Journal of Research into NewMedia Technologies

Edited by Julia Knight, University of Sunderland, UK and Alexis Weedon, University of Bedfordshire, UK

Convergence is a quarterly, peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes leading research addressing the creative, social, political and pedagogical issues raised by the advent of new media technologies. It provides an international, interdisciplinary forum for research exploring the reception, consumption and impact of new media technologies in domestic, public and educational contexts.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Added: New journal, Wi

Wi: journal of mobile media (pronounced wī) was founded in 2006 as in-house publication of the Mobile Digital Commons Network (MDCN) and has since operated under the aegis of the Mobile Media Lab. The Lab has two nodes, one in Montreal (www.mobilities.ca) and one in Toronto (www.mobilemedialab.ca).Wi is an open- access peer-reviewed experimental journal. The mandate of the journal is to create an interdisciplinary international dialogue for scholars to explore the “term” mobilities in all of its many manifestations, although the history of the journal indicates an emphasis on the connection of mobilities research to media studies, the media arts and communications. We are particularly interested in publishing works that use media (images, sounds, animations) as a major component of their articles, although this is not a requirement.

Publishes in: Spring and Fall.

Submission guidelines

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